Friday, November 16, 2007

Enter to Win!

Win a free limited edition Auto Details "Big Wheel" kids t shirt.
Simply answer the following question:

Who scored the first ever goal for the Edmonton Oilers?

Send your answer to for your chance to win!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Plates for Alberta?

If you're car proud, like we are, you love the fact that we don't need front licence plates in Alberta. Most auto enthusiasts feel that a front plate detracts from the clean looks of a nice vehicle's bumper. The Alberta government is discussing revamping our plates. Among the changes being considered, the addition of a front plate. What do you think? Voice your opinion with the government at the following link.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sk8 Dog

Happy Wednesday everybody. If you've ever been to Auto Details, you have probably been greeted by a dog or four. We are all dog lovers, and Des, Brad and Bob bring their dogs to work with them. If you add the fact that Brad and Des are longtime skate boarders, it makes perfect sense that I would show this video.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, "Skate boarding Dog"

Monday, November 12, 2007

Lest we Forget

Don't forget to take a minute to remember the reason for the long weekend.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Friday

It's been a busy week here at Auto Details, and we're happy its' Friday. I'm sure all of you are too, so enjoy your long weekend. Now, for no particular reason, here are motorcycles crashing.

Disclaimer: Don't watch this unless you enjoy motorcycles crashing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Its' back to work for Auto Details.

After a great trip to the SEMA show in Las Vegas, its buisness as usual here at Auto Details. The gang came back with lots of pictures, stories, and swollen livers. But with the fun behind us its' roll up our sleeves time. With winter nearly here, we are busy prepping summer vehicles for hibernation, and preparing year round vehicles for the harsh elements with paint protecting wax, and snow tire installation.
We still have appointments available for November, so give Amy a call. 944-1444

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Greetings from Las Vegas

As promised, here are some pics of the Auto Details gang enjoying their Vegas adventure!